KAT-631Technical Datasheet

Grade NameKAT-631
CAS No.77-58-7
EINECS No.201-039-8
Molecular Formula C32H64O4Sn
    Appearanceyellow to yellow-brown coloured liquidVisual
    ColorMax 3Colorimeter/Spectrophotometer/Whiteness meter
    ViscosityMax 100Viscometer
    Specific Gravity1.04-1.08Pycnometer
    Boiling Range200-210 Deg CBoiling Point Apparatus

    Product Information:
    • KAT-631 is used for Crosslinking two-component urethane coating systems, RTV silicone systems, silane crosslinked polyethylene
    • KAT-631 is used as accelerator and gelling catalyst of flexible and rigid polyurethane foams and one component silicone rubber and two component mold glue.
    • KAT-631 is used as Heat-stabilizer of soft PVC products.

    Product Handling & safety:
    Please refer to our product MSDS for specific instructions on handling this product.

    Product Registration:Dibutyltin dilaurate is approved for use in food contact polymer as per the following chapter headings.

    Title: 21 - Food And Drugs
    Chapter: I - Food And Drug Administration Department Of Health And Human Services
    Subchapter: B - Food For Human Consumption (Continued)
    Part: 175 - Indirect Food Additives: Adhesives and Components of coatings
    Subpart: B - Substances for Use Only as Components of Adhesives
    Section: 175.105 - Adhesives.

    Product Disclaimer
    Important : This statement supersedes any Buyers documents. Seller makes no representation, Warranty, Express or Implied, Including of Merchantability of Fitness for a particular use, or purpose.

    No statement herein is to be construed as inducements to infringe any relevant patent. Under no circumstances shall Seller be liable for incidental, consequential or indirect damages for alleged negligence breach of warranty, strict liability, and tort or contact rising in connection with product(s). Buyers sole remedy and Sellers sole Liability for any claims shall be buyers purchase price. Data and results are based on controlled or lab work and must be confirmed by the buyer by testing for its indented conditions of use.

    This product is not been tested for, and is therefore not recommended for, use for which prolonged contact with mucous membranes, abraded skin, or blood is intended, or for use for which implantation within human body is intended.
